1967 【 2016 End of the year MOËT Event 】

1967 【 2016 End of the year MOËT Event 】
MOËT & CHANDON by the glass ¥800
1967では皆さまのご愛顧に感謝して 1年で1番シャンパンが飲みたくなるこの時期に…
世界で最も愛されているシャンパンと言われる「MOËT & CHANDON」を
1967 【2016 End of the year MOËT Event 】
■モエ・エ・シャンドン by the glass 特別価格 ¥800
■キャンペーン期間:12月15日(木)~ 12月31日(土)
*Glass MOËTはお1人様2杯までとさせていただきます。
クリスマスデートや1年を締めくくるYear-End Partyにも最適です。
1967 【2016 End of the year MOËT Event 】
1967 would like to thank you for your continuous support.
Here comes the season when everyone enjoys the delicious champagne.
On this occasion, we would like to offer the most famous champagne
“MOËT & CHANDON” at a special price.
■MOËT & CHANDON Special price 800yen
(without tax) / per glass
■Campaign period: December 15th ~ December 31th
*You can order until two glasses of Moet. (per person)
How about a MOËT & CHANDON after enjoying the beautiful view of Roppongi !
It would sure be a perfect party to celebrate the end of the year and also a lovely Christmas date with your beloved.