News & Topics

【UPDATED 】Now will be closed until further notice.

2020.05.05 INFO


Our service will be closed until further notice due to the outbreak of COVID-19.

Please wait our updates information. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Keep your bright feeling and health.
We wish to meet your smile again early.



【 Sisters shop information 】

“THE PUBLIC RED AKASAKA” will resume eating and drinking business operations from the 7th May.

And then, They will begin lunch and take-away new service too.

【 Business hours 】 * Shortening business hours

OPEN 11:30 am  - 8:00 pm  ( L.O. 7:30 pm )

*Depending on the situation, it may change so please wait next information.

Please check  “THE PUBLIC RED AKASAKA”  Official web site.